APRIL 6TH | 8:45 AM - 9:00 PM

Throughout history, women have persevered through many challenges, yet at the same time, we know that within us is a strength far beyond what our daily tasks require of us. Why? What does the existence of that strength tell us about our purpose? Ironically, at the same time, we doubt our value and how our involvement really matters. We need an encounter with heaven that brings clarity, healing, and purpose.

There is a call going out across the Kingdom of God for the warriors to STAND UP, and the response of women is necessary! We believe that God is preparing an encounter for YOU on April 6th to minister to your heart and restore life and purpose to places that have felt buried under the past. Come and receive all that God has for you!

Awakening: Stand Up will be a full day packed with worship, activation, teaching, sisterhood, and LIFE! We will have two power-packed main sessions with Joy Patterson and Karen Flagg, with equipping and interactive breakout sessions sandwiched in between. The whole day will wrap up with a fun after-party to celebrate all the Lord has done for us! Make sure you bring the women in your life - there's enough for all of us!

8:45am Doors Open
9:15am Event Kickoff - door prizes & fun
9:30am Main Session
11:30am - 12:45pm Lunch Break (Pre-registered Box Lunch or Off-Campus Options)
1:00pm Breakout Session 1
2:05pm Breakout Session 2
3:10pm Breakout Session 3
4:15pm - 5:45pm Dinner Break
6:00pm - Main Session
8:00pm - 9:00pm After-Party!

Adults: $50
Youth (7th-12th grade): $25
Early Bird Discount 10% Before March 6th
Registration Closes April 2

Throne Room
: an opportunity to come sit in the King's Presence and receive
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: understanding how our emotions connect to our faith
How to Study the Word: learning how to dig in and receive more understanding of the Bible
REBUILD Mini: experience the release when freedom meets fitness (available during 1st & 3rd breakout sessions only)
Prophetic Art: discover the connection between your spirit and creativity (available during 1st & 2nd breakout sessions only)
Understanding Prophecy: recognizing and discerning prophecy

Questions? Email women@cptyler.church


Joy is an Ohio native who was transplanted to West Texas in 2006 so God could clean up her Yankee manners and small dreams. 

During the past 17 years in Texas, she’s been challenged and stretched to take God at His word, which has been the most rewarding adventure.

 Because of this, she loves seeing women walk in freedom and confidence in who they were made to be, regardless of their past. She and her husband, Joseph, have two children, Eva and Jackson, who they are raising to conquer the world. Joy is currently serving as Women’s Pastor at CrossPointe Church in Tyler, TX.


Karen Flagg is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. She spent many years working as a corporate executive of AT&T, Walmart, and The NBA. While working as an executive, she accepted her call to ministry and served as Assistant Pastor of Cathedral of Praise Worship Center in Memphis and various leadership capacities. She created many partnerships with the City of Memphis and local businesses to provide awareness, sponsorship and support for inner city churches and non profit organizations. 

Pastor Karen has worked alongside several pastors and churches as a consultant and advisor in leadership training and development as well as ministry startup. The Holy Spirit begin to impart wisdom and revelation in The Ministries for Women, Family Support, Intercessory Prayer, Spiritual Warfare and Healing and Deliverance. In 2010 Karen Flagg Ministries was created and organized where she began traveling across the country as an Evangelist, Teacher and Conference speaker. In 2014, GirlChurch, a 3 day weekend of healing, transformation and freedom for the feminine heart was birth out and is helping women realize their true worth found in The Father’s Heart for His Daughters.
Pastor Karen is an anointed prophetess and teacher of the gospel. God uniquely uses her in the prophetic of healing and deliverance. She carries a great passion for the deliverance of women, the restoration of families and Kingdom advancement. Her hearts cry is to be used by God to "set the captives free" through God’s power and God’s glory.

We hope you’ll make plans to join us for Awakening: Stand Up and bring your girl tribe – grandmas, moms, sisters, daughters, besties – there’s room for all! Registration is open. Early-bird pricing ends March 6.